British Reading Club – The Great Automatic Grammatizator

Roald Dahl is one of British Reading Club’s favourite authors. We enjoy both his hilarious children’s books and surprising short stories. For the next meeting, on 27th of June 2023 at 5 pm, we will discuss The Great Automatic Grammatizator. Dahl wrote the story in 1954, yet with artificial intelligence and ChatGPT it feels more relevant now than almost 70 years ago. We invite all the library members over 15 to come join our club. The meetings are held in English.

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British Reading Club – Widows

Most people know Margaret Atwood as an author of dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale and its sequel The Testaments, however she’s written many other novels, children’s books, poetry and nonfiction books. For the next meeting of British Reading Club we picked a short story called Widows, one of her latest works. You can read the story here. We’ll meet on Tuesday, 23th of May 2023 at 5pm. We invite all the library members over 15 to come join our club. The meetings are held in English.

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British Reading Club – Monstrous Regiment

Terry Pratchett, a beloved fantasy writer, filled his stories with mystery, adventure, love and laughs. One such story is Monstrous Regiment and on the next meeting of British Reading Club we wil be talking about an excerpt from this book – you can find it HERE. We’ll meet on Tuesday, 18th of April 2023 at 5pm. We invite all the library members over 15 to come join our club. The meetings are held in English.

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British Reading Club – Robert Turner’s Revenge

Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery is best known for her book series about a red-haired orphan with great imagination – Anne of Green Gables. For our next meeting of British Reading Club we’ll read another one of her many works – Robert Turner’s Revenge. In this short story we’ll follow Robert to the town where he grew up and where he plans to exact a revenge on his childhood nemesis. You can come and discuss how it turns out on Tuesday, 28th of March 2023 at 5pm. We invite all the library members over 15 to come join our club. The meetings are held in English.

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British Reading Club – The Fall of the House of Usher

For this month’s meeting of British Reading Club we chose an author who needs no introduction – Edgar Allan Poe. He was a master of spooky and mysterius stories and we will discuss one of them, The Fall of the House of Usher, on Tuesday, February 21st 2023 at 5pm. We invite all the library members over 15 to come join our club. The meetings are held in English.

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Chcete vaše dieťa hravou formou naučiť jednoduché slovíčka v anglickom jazyku? Storytime je klub v Krajskej knižnici v Žiline, na ktorom sa to podarí. V pondelok 30. januára o 10:30 sa opäť tešíme na deti vo veku od 2 do 5 rokov v sprievode ich rodičov.

Klub Storytime bol ukončený stretnutím v januári 2023. Činnosť klubu nebude ďalej pokračovať.

British Reading Club – The Great Gatsby

For this month’s meeting of British Reading Club, we chose a book by Francis Scott Fitzgerald – The Great Gatsby. Even though nowadays we think of it as a book classic, at the time of its publishing it was considered a flop and became famous only after the authors death. You are all invited to discuss this novel from 1920’s on Tuesday 24th of January 2023 at 5pm. British Reading Club is for all the library members over 15 and the meeting is held in English.

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